
October 2020

  /    /  October

“Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives” - Anthony Robbins Anthony Robbins in his quote  describes the power and influence that beliefs have on our lives. Our beliefs control how we live our lives and if we choose to live our lives acting on our self limiting beliefs then we are accepting a life that is going nowhere and the future is grim. We all desire a life that is flourishing, full of happiness, love and joy, no one wants a miserable life where we languish in mediocrity.  People who lead successful and joyful lives have achieved this by choosing beliefs that support and empower them on their life journey. Beliefs are the thoughts in our head that influence our behavior, attitude and actions. The beliefs that affect our lives are either Empowering Beliefs which enable us to lead flourishing lives or Self Limiting Beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals and where we live a life where we languish and flounder.