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Most Kiwi job seekers are poorly prepared to navigate the New Zealand job market because they aren't aware that the local employment landscape has changed, meaning that we must take a different approach to job search.   Here at Move to More (M2M) (where we are a recruitment company and coach people in their careers and job hunting) we see many candidates who seem to think that we are in a 'candidates’ market' and that jobs are easy. As a result, candidates use the same CV and the same cover letter to apply for multiple jobs. However, the cover letter should be specific to each role to stand out. Use the cover letter to position yourself better because the cover letter is the first thing a recruiter reads. Employers are looking for specific attributes in candidates that can be difficult for a candidate to fulfil without preparation.   The skills market goes in cycles. With trends like the tech industry downsizing overseas, we see more caution locally—particularly considering recession warnings—so there will be heaps of people out looking for jobs. I think the local job market is going to be tougher. Job seekers will be challenged moving forward, particularly experienced people, because they may take for granted that they

As a Career Coach the very first thing I do with a client is help them create their personal brand. Many people believe that having a great CV is the key to their career success and it is still, but to a lesser degree. Everyone has a CV; no one else has your distinct Personal Brand. It is your Personal Brand that differentiates you from everyone else and that is what people buy – YOU. A Personal Brand is your mark on the world It is how people you interact with and the world, see you. It is your legacy – it is more important than a business brand because your personal brand lasts forever. I have coached people who have very successful careers and they come to me because they have suddenly found that they are not getting the opportunities or having the conversations that are leading them to their next role. I call this a Career Meltdown. Personal Branding helps you to become conscious of your differences It ultimately allows you to position yourself in a way that makes you stand out from the pack, especially among other potential job applicants. Don’t get me wrong having a great CV and a great LinkedIn profile is

New Zealand's talent shortage may be less 'a shortage' than a tendency to overlook the hidden potential in people who don't fit within the narrow bias that has dominated employer thinking for decades. A change in approach to recruitment is sorely needed. Many employers are obsessed with finding the right 'fit.' This obsession is a significant reason behind much of New Zealand's so-called talent shortage. In such an environment, the best strategy is to become more conscious of how quality talent may be hidden from sight due to personal bias and the inertia of 'business as usual.’ New Zealand is presently struggling with a talent and labour shortage as it emerges from the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic. The NZIER's Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion showed that lack of labour is the biggest constraint for businesses. Worldwide staff shortages leave New Zealand companies with little choice but to rethink how they look for talent. Seeking the right 'fit' risks falling prey to people's biases since the right person often requires the minimum change from the business itself. A candidate becomes attractive simply because they can slot into business-as-usual and hit the ground running. While that's mostly fine during normal times, it unnecessarily limits the pool of