
Life Potential

  /  Life Potential

“I don’t know what to do with my life!” If you find yourself saying this, you’re not alone. It’s common for people to get to a point where they feel stuck or directionless. It can result from poor decision making or an inability to make decisions at all. “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.” - Oriah Mountain Dreamer This state of not knowing what to do next applies to a lot of people, at any age and at different times in your life. Whether we are graduating high school, choosing our career path, recovering from a heartbreak, being made redundant, or entering retirement, we all have a point in our lives where we may not know what to do next. The answers or solutions we seek vary according to where we are at in our lives. A young graduate will focus on answering this question in relation to their future and

I am naturally an optimistic person and I like to think of myself as a motivated person – but not all of the time. There have been many times in my life where I have struggled with motivation. It takes a lot of energy to be motivated and some days, I just can’t be bothered. I just want to hide away and do nothing. Having these feelings where you just want to do nothing is actually an okay thing to do because there are times when you need to rest and recover. The danger is when you let this occasional feeling of laziness and procrastination take over your life. When this happens and trust me, it can happen very quickly, you will find yourself making excuses as to why you can’t get off the couch and start exercising, or start the new project, or finish off the old project. This is a dangerous place to be and one to avoid at all costs. So, when you are at the point of low energy and need motivation, consider using these 13 motivation tips to help you get your mojo and your life back on track.   1. Take Time to Quieten Down Your Mind Having no

If you are thinking about getting a coach or mentor, then knowing the differences between the two relationships will help you decide which one is the best option for you.    The 5 Key Differences with Coaching and Mentoring  “A coach has some great questions for your answers and a mentor has some great answers for your questions” Unknown 1. Coaching is about focusing on building your capability to improve your performance v Mentoring focuses on support, advice and long term personal development 2. The relationship with a coach is short term - 6-12 months v Mentoring is a much longer lasting relationship -can last for years 3. Coaching is more structured in its approach and often has set tasks for you to complete v Mentoring which tends to be more informal and on an as needs basis as required by the mentee 4. With coaching the coach will ask more thought provoking/challenging questions v mentoring where the mentee will ask more inquiry based questions to access the mentors knowledge and expertise 5. Coaching has specific measurable outcomes to achieve v mentoring where there is more interest in overall long term development of a mentee - rather than specific results Now that you know the difference between coaching and